It's finally May. The winter frost is thawing across the U.S., and thoughts are turning to baseball, the Memorial Day weekend, and cleaning out your PC. Okay, maybe that last one isn't for everybody.But along with wiping down those windows, clearing out your eaves, and fertilizing the lawn, spring is as good a time as any to make sure your PC is nice and tidy.Unlike that fence that needs patching, giving your PC a spring overhaul doesn't require much effort on your part. In fact, the right set of tools can do most of the work for you. CCleaner FreeCCleaner will clear off all the unnecessary junk from your PC.clears out all the gunk accumulating on your hard drive including temporary Internet files, system memory dumps, log files, and so on.Once CCleaner's installed, just tap Analyze and let CCLeaner do its thing. When it's done analyzing (and you're okay with everything it's going to erase), click the Run Cleaner button and then OK.You'll be amazed at how much junk CCleaner can get rid of.
After I ran it on my PC it removed nearly 1.6GB of unnecessary files. PC DecrapifierPC Decrapifier removes factory installed crapware from your PC.If you've bought a new computer in the past few months or have never bothered to get rid of the all the crapware installed on your PC at the factory, try.This desktop program will analyze your PC for unnecessary programs. You can also use it as a way to clear off any programs you no longer want on your PC with just a few clicks. DropItDropIt organizes your files for you based on rules you create.If you want to get really serious about your spring cleaning, you can use to automate how specific files are organized on your PC.
Let's say you want all PNG files on your desktop that are less than one megabyte to be moved to a sub-folder in your Pictures library called Small Photos.You can set up a rule for that to happen and then have DropIt monitor your desktop in the background to move files automatically.The downside is you have to create your own rules before DropIt will do anything, but DropIt comes with a good getting started guide to help. Just right-click the DropIt icon on your desktop and select Guide. Managing your disk spaceSpring cleaning is another great opportunity to use a new built-in disk management feature in Windows 8.1. The refreshed PC Settings app shows exactly how much space your Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, and Video folders are taking up, giving you a clear view of where all your gigabytes are going.This is a great tool for deciding if it's time to offload your photo or video collections to an external hard drive. For more information, check out '.'
Finally, take the time to run a full scan of your PC with a security tool like to clean any lingering bad actors off your system. Even if you're already running an anti-virus program, an anti-malware app like Malware Bytes is a good thing to run every now and then to guard against newer exploits, Trojans, and other malicious software.
How To Clean Computer Free
Beware the signs of a PC plagued by malware: slower-than-usual performance, a sudden spate of pop-ups, and other anomalous issues. Yes, out-of-the-ordinary behavior is sometimes the result of hardware conflicts, but your first action should be to rule out the possibility of infection by a virus, spyware, or other nefarious entity— even if you have an antivirus program installed.Follow this step-by-step guide for instructions on how to get rid of malware. Step 1: Enter Safe ModeBefore you do anything, you need to disconnect your PC from the internet, and don’t use it until you’re ready to clean your PC.
How To Clean Up My Computer Myself
How To Remove Unwanted Programs From Windows 10
This can help prevent the malware from spreading and/or leaking your private data.If you think your PC may have a malware infection, boot your PC into Microsoft’s Safe Mode. In this mode, only the minimum required programs and services are loaded. If any malware is set to load automatically when Windows starts, entering in this mode may prevent it from doing so. This is important because it can make removing the nefarious files easier since they’re not actually running or active.